воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.

Anfisa Antonovna Kramskaya started to service at the Central Bank of the Credit Unions System of the Russian Empire on Nevsky Prospect, 59.

My bride Miss Anfisa Antonovna  Kramskaya  graduated from Bestuzhev Courses in 1913 and started to work in St. Petersburg in  the Central Bank of  the Credit Unions System on  Nevsky Prospect 59.
This is Google Earth 3D model of 59, Nevsky Prospect  before reconstruction in 2010.
This bank was a part of the Credit Unions System of the the Russian Empire.
The  Credit Unions System of  the Russian Empire started to work on 29 March 1864.
The total turnover for the first year was 20.5 million rubles. In the  next sixth year of the  activity  of the   Credit Unions System of the Russian Empire (1869) turnover reached 1.069.66 million rubles.

                                                                                                                                   The circular letter
 CENTRAL CREDIT UNION BANK                                     In the cancellation of the letter  № 66
PHONES: Board of Directors 111-92, Bank 54-60,

St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 59-61                                                     St. Petersburg, June 1913.
         Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Instead of the circular for the number 66, we have the honor to transmit herewith a list and samples of signatures of the persons whom have the right to sign on behalf of the Central CREDIT UNION BANK.

Binding on the Bank have the documents signed by two persons, of whom at least one has the right of first signature.
With complete respect

Chairman of the Board of Directors    I. X. Ozerov

                                                              S.N. Stupin
                                                              Prince V.S. Mikeladze
       Members of the board                  V.J. Brahman
                                                              W.A. Ackerman

The chief accountant K.K. Stilyanudi
Me (Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev) worked in this bank too. I started to work in this bank in 1913 after my  graduation from  the Mathematical Department of  St. Petersburg Imperial University in 1913. 
My first position in the  bank was the Assistant of the  Head of Department and I was  entitled to  sign all finansial documents. 
  The  persons entitled to the second signature are: 

Michael Nikolaevich
          Andrianov                                                   Assistant of the Head of Department 
 Michael Jakovlevich
              Katel                                                      Assistant og the Head of Department

Nikolai Nikolaevich
           Kartashevsky                                            Assistant of the Head of Department

      Alexander Feodorovich  
            Orberg                                                     Assistant of the  Head of Department

    Adrian Feodorovich
            Timofeev                                                Assistant of the  Head of Department

     Ivan Alekseevich
           Shabalkin                                                  Assistant of the Head of Department

   Alexander Fedorovich
         Shihorin                                                       Assistant of the  Head of Department

This is the postcard  which I sent to  my  bride Miss Anfisa Antonovna  Kramskaya from Nicholaevsky Railway Station in Moscow on 08 December 1913. 
Posted by: Moscow, Nicholas Railway Station: 08. 12. 1913.
Address: Nevsky 59, Central Bank, Her Excellency Miss Anfisa Antonovna Kramskaya
Perhaps this card matches your mood? In which way you turn? This postcard is written only for you. How do you feel? If it is good, I'll be very happy, otherwise I will get angry. Hello and kiss ...
The bank premises of   the Central Bank of  the Credit Unions System  was located in 1910 in  two  neighboring buildings on Nevsky Prospect Prospect, 59 and 61.
59, Nevsky Prospect (1910).
59, Nevsky Prospect  after reconstruction (June 2012).
                                         61, Nevsky Prospect now (June 2012).

Flag Counter

This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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