пятница, 6 июля 2012 г.

Attempt of stealing of 320,000 rubles (800,000.00 US dollars) from the Moscow branch of the Siberian Trade Bank in January 1917.

I worked as  the trustee of the Moscow Branch of the Siberian Trade Bank in 1917-1918. The office of Moscow Branch of our Bank was on Ilinka Street.
See the post: My work in the Moscow office of The Siberian Trade Bank  in the vicinity of famous building of The Moscow Exchange.
I worked  hard and was very honest, careful  and diligent  employee.
   I prevented the fabrication of  the   falsified check for 320 thousand rubles (800,000.00 US dollars)  in January 1917.
There was an article about this incident in the Bulletin of the Moscow city hall and the Metropolitan Police on February 1, 1917 № 26

 The title of the article was" Attempt of  theft of 320,000 rubles  from the  branch of the Siberian Trade Bank in Moscow  in January 1917". 
There is the translation of this article from Russian
"The unofficial part of Bulletin
Fabrication of  the   falsified check for 320 thousand rubles.
Attempt of  theft  was carried out by a  criminal group  of a nobleman and an officer A. Bogdanovich,  bank employee N. Moldavsky and Assistant District Attorney of the Moscow Court of Justice Alexander Moiseev.
Mr. Bogdanovich had stolen checkbook  from a commercial branch  of the Siberian Commercial Bank in Moscow.

Mr. Rachkov  who was responsible for the acceptance of checks in Bank was called by phone by the members of criminal groups in the cafe "Tramble". This cafe was on the crossroads of Petrovka Street and Kusnetzky Most Street.
See the posts:
 "The history of  the Petrovka street" in this blog.
The  check of  320,000 rubles was presented to the criminal group participant and  bank employee Mr. Moldavsky who accepted this check. Some later this  check was presented for  the control  to the trustee of the Moscow Branch of the Siberian Trade Bank, Mr.  Adrian  Timofeev.
Mr. Timofeev  looked at the previous receipt and saw that the text was written earlier in the voucher sheets for a little as if the other hand.
Mr Timofeev has found that the check is not real, and stopped the issuance of money.
This crime fell entirely due to the careful work of Mr. Adrian Timofeev. The criminal organization was handed over to the police.

I received a letter of thanks  from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of my Bank some later.
Letter of Thanks
Petrograd, Russia, 14, February, 1917
Dear Sir Adrian Feodorovich,
We received information from the report of Mr. Galyashkin about your activity on presentation of a false check of 320000 rubles  two weeks ago.
The Board of Directors of Siberian Commercial Bank considers to say our thanks to you for the excellent work.
With great respect!
The Board of Directors
This is my business card.
Adrian Feodorovich Timofeyev
The trustee of the Moscow Branch of the Siberian Trade Bank
Address: Moscow, Russia, 9, Tihvinsky Lane, Novoslobodskaya Street.

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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