суббота, 7 июля 2012 г.

My propaganda work in St. Petersburg in 1902-1905 among the workers, female students and soldiers of the General Staff.

I did  a propaganda work among the workers and soldiers in St. Petersburg.  I was a 
Marxist still at school , but I tolerated for other revolutionary organizations, as long as they are called on to the  socialism and actively fought against the autocracy.
 I was a Marxist but   standing closest to the Social Democrats.  No one had heard  about  the Bolsheviks in the 1902-1905 in St. Petersburg. On the activity of the struggle against tsarism my sympathies were with the Socialist-Revolutionary Party and the Narodnaya Volya Party.
The program of these parties are provided for the terrorist struggle against tsarism and  socialization not only of all the factories, but also the socialization of all land and confiscation of the landlords real estate.
All my comrades among the revolutionary students were the Social Democrats.
My best comrades were two brothers of  Grigoriev, Nik  Wittmann,  Peter Malynin. – All of them were the students of Technological, Mining or Railway Universities in St. Petersburg.
The revolutionary organization gave me the  connection to  the workers and students. I got for  practice study and conducting  self-study two groups of workers of different plants, as well as female students (kursistok). Among these kursistok was the girl student and my future wife Kramskaya Anfisa Antonovna - a student of the Higher Women's (Bestuzhev) courses on Vasiljevsky  Island.
Narodnaya Volya party members gave me a group of soldiers, most from the  General Staff of the Imperial Army. 
More information about General Staff buildinf is in the post "My propaganda work with the soldiers of the General Staff and the describtion of the building in which they served" of this blog.
The main headquarter of  the  General Staff was located in the heart of St. Petersburg on the Palace square opposite the Winter Palace.
It was impossible to assemble, and to carry out the revolutionary activities in the building of the General Staff in front of the Winter Palace and the soldiers one by one gathered and came to practice to  my rented apartment.
          The General Staff Building at  present time.
Здание Главного Штаба.Санкт-Петербург

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.

The full text of diary is on :

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