понедельник, 2 июля 2012 г.

My propaganda work with the soldiers of the General Staff and the description of the building in which they served.

I did  a propaganda work among the workers and soldiers In St. Petersburg.  
It was impossible to assemble, and to carry out the revolutionary activities in the building of the General Staff in front of the Winter Palace and the soldiers one by one gathered and came to practice to  my rented apartment.
More information about my propaganda work is in post "
My propaganda work in St. Petersburg in 1902-1905 among the workers, female students and soldiers of the General Staff" in this blog.
The description of General Staff Building is below.
The building was designed  in 1819-1829. It consists of two wings, which are separated by a tripartite triumphal arch. It  commemorating the Russian victory over  Napoleon in 1812. The arch links Palace Square through Bolshaya Morskaya St. to Nevsky Prospekt. The western wing now hosts the headquarters of the  Western Military District of the Russian Army. The eastern wing was transferred to the Hermitage Museum in 1993.
Садовников В.С. Вид Дворцовой площади и здания Главного штаба в Санкт-Петербурге
                    This is the view of Palace Square and the  General Staff Building
                                           in St. Petersburg. Russia.
The view of   the  General Staff Building  from the Palace Square (1820).
Файл:Palace Square Detail project 1.jpg
The view of   the  General Staff Building  from the Nevsky Prospekt (1820).
Portrait of Italian architect Carlo  Rossi by B. S. Mityar, 1820.
The General Staff Building at  present time.
Здание Главного Штаба.Санкт-Петербург
Здание Главного штаба

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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