суббота, 30 июня 2012 г.

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia was the official residence of Russian monarchs from 1732 to 1917.

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia was the official residence of Russian monarchs from 1732 to 1917. It is Situated between the Palace Embankment and the Palace Square. 
You can look at SketchUp model of  The Winter Palace. 3D model   is located at this link:  http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=6d399a19103c75b7f63c51170ab64ef3&prevstart=0 

The palace was constructed on a monumental scale that was intended to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia. From the palace, the Tsar ruled over 22,400,000 square kilometres (8,600,000 sq mi) (almost 1/6 of the Earth's landmass) and over 125 million subjects by the end of the 19th century. It was designed by many architects, most notably Bartolomeo Rastrelli, in what came to be known as the Elizabethan Baroque style. 
The green-and-white palace has the shape of an elongated rectangle, and its principal façade is 250 m long and 100 ft (30 m) high. The Winter Palace has been calculated to contain 1,786 doors, 1,945 windows, 1,500 rooms and 117 staircases. 
The rebuilding of 1837 left the exterior unchanged, but large parts of the interior were redesigned in a variety of tastes and styles, leading the palace to be described as a "19th-century palace inspired by a model in Rococo style."
The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg under Peter I.
 In 1711. Engraving on copper
View of the Winter Palace from the Neva I. Charlemagne 1853 <blockquote></blockquote>г.
This is the view of the Winter Palace from the Neva  River. (1853).
View of the Palace Square and Winter Palace in St. Petersburg VS Gardeners Around 1847
The view of the Palace Square and Winter Palace in St. Petersburg  (1847).
Вид Зимнего дворца со стороны Адмиралтейства Ф.-В. Перро 1841 г.
 The view of the Winter Palace from the Admiralty (1814)
The view of the Winter Palace from the Admiralty. 
Divorce guard Gardeners (1839).
Александровская колонна. Зимний дворец.Открытка кон.XIX века.
The Alexander Column and  Winter Palace  (1890).
Зимний дворец.Фотоальбом виды Санкт-Петербурга 1895 г.
The Winter Palace (1895).
Зимний дворец. Фасад со стороны Невы.Фото н.XX века.
The Winter Palace. The facade from the Neva River. (1910).
Зимний дворец.Фото н.XX века.
The Winter Palace. (1910).
Рота дворцовых гренадер у Зимнего дворца
Roth's of the Palace Grenadiers  in front of  the Winter Palace. (1912).
Парад войск Петербургского гарнизона по случаю празнования 200-летия Санкт-Петербурга.1903 г.
The parade of troops of the military garrison of St. Petersburg (1903).
In 1905, the Bloody Sunday massacre occurred when demonstrators marched toward the Winter Palace, but by this time the Imperial Family had chosen to live in the more secure and secluded Alexander Palace at Tsarskoe Selo, and returned to the Winter Palace only for the most formal and rarest state occasions. Following the February Revolution of 1917, the palace was for a short time the seat of the Russian Provisional Government, led by Alexander Kerensky. Later that same year, the palace was stormed by a detachment of Red Army soldiers and sailors—a defining moment in the birth of the Soviet state. On a less glorious note, the month-long looting of the palace's wine cellars during this troubled period led to what has been described as "the greatest hangover in history". Today, the restored palace forms part of the complex of buildings housing the Hermitage Museum.
Зимний дворец.Открытка 1910 г.
The Winter Palace. Postcard 1910
Прогулка по Дворцовой набережной. Фотограф Булла.1910 г.
Tour of the Palace Embankment (1910).
Карета императорской фамилии у подъезда Зимнего дворца.Фотограф К. Булла. 1914 г.
The coach of the imperial family at the entrance of the Winter Palace (1914).
Торжественный выезд царского кортежа на Дворцовую площадь в дни празднования 300летия дома Романовых. 1913 г.
The King's motorcade on the Palace Square (1913).
Автомобили «Рено» на Дворцовой площади.Санкт-Петербург.1910 г.
The cars "Renault" in the Palace Square (1910). 
Торжественный выход Их Величеств из Зимнего Дворца после объявления войны. 1914 г.
The solemn way of Their Majesties from the Winter Palace after the declaration 
of war (1914).
 The declaration of war on 20 July 1914.
File:Winter Palace Facade II.jpg
The Winter Palace from the Palace Square (June 2012).
Зимний дворец. 1980-е г.г
This is the view of the Winter Palace from the Neva River (June 2012).

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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