четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

In memory of my brother Sasha a teacher of Zemstvo school, a member of Narodnaya Volya party and revolutionary terrorist Pages 36 and 37 of my diary.

We are four brothers, close in age: I'm Adrian, Peter, Sasha (Aleksander) and Pasha - always lived together. Summers (1887-1897) we carried out in the open air in the garden of our house in Kursk at the intersection of Golden and the Moscow streets, full of apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries and all sorts of vegetables.
See the post in this blog:
This is the photos from the life  in 1890 - 1915 of the family of  Feodor Prokopyevich  Timofeev. Feodor Prokopyevich  Timofeev was the very  prosperous  2nd Guild  merchant in Kursk Russia.

 In the garden of grazing sheep, live chickens, guinea fowl, wild, for ducks and geese we have dug artificial ponds. So all there was plenty in the garden. There was made round wooden gazebo in the garden. We had 4 beds in it, and we willingly slept in the open air to the singing of nightingales.
Since childhood, Sasha was a strange boy who is physically the strongest of us, he played as we all do, but he was silent and thoughtful, as if something was living inside him secretive. We named him for his manners funny nickname GRANDFATHER.
Sasha was not studied very well and after  the 2nd class of gymnasium he turned into a real school.
  He was reading a lot of illegal revolutionary literature. He asked this literature from me and my friends.
  Populism and the  ideas of the party  Narodnaya Volya will greatly effect on him.
He wanted to serve  to  the people, and live the life of ordinary people. He wanted  to get close to them, educate them and revolutionize. So at the end of a secondary school, he did not like as  all of his friends to enter the university ( Puteiskiy, Gorniy or Technological) Universities in St. Petersburg, Moscow or Kiev in order to become an engineer and earn big money. Instead, he went to live among the peasants and became a teacher at a rural school .
My brother Aleksander  was appointed as a teacher in the  Sudzhinsky  Zemstvo school district. But he worked as a teacher out there a little, because of his revolutionary activities. Very soon  he was tracked down and the  message about  his revolutionary activities   was sent to the District Commander.
 District Commander of the Sudzhinsky county was then the very rich  landlord of  the province of Kursk. He was  the last descendant of Napoleon's General Rapa.
Rapa’s two sons were  in the Gymnasium of the Kursk the friends of me Adrian. This descendant of General Rapa reported  to the governor of Kursk, demanding the expulsion of Sasha.
Kursk Governor, Mr. Muratov, the famous member of  Black Hundreds party ,  sent Sasha  accompanied with 2 policemen to the North of the Russia  in Vologda City.
After arriving to the  Vologda City  Sasha at the same day sat down for the return train back to Kursk. After return in Kursk, Sasha had lived freely, without constraint walked around the city. The police did not touch him. Possible Police remembered the awards and treats that all policemen up to the police chief received from my father - a famous and wealthy merchant.
Together with a group of revolutionary-minded youth in Kursk, eager to actively fight against the autocracy and its servants, brought up on the ideas of Narodnaya Volya, Alexander started  the manufacturing of bombs
There was an explosion during his  manufacture of fuses for bombs at our house in Kursk.  Alexander was living in my room then.
Sasha was put  into prison in  Orel City. I got an interview with him and learned from him hints that he made ​​17 bombs hidden in the pipe in the basement of an unfinished house in our garden. Having found them, I had great difficulty and care to remove the fuses from the homemade bombs, and I buried them in the garden of our house too.
Maybe they are still there.

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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