четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

My studies at the Imperial Universities in Kiev and St. Petersburg and my work in the Siberian Commercial Bank in St. Petersburg and Moscow (1898-1918)

  I was a student of   Kiev’s  Imperial University of St. Vladimir in 1898-1900  and I was a student of Mathematics Department of  St. Petersburg Imperial University in 1900-1913 too.

                             This is 3D model of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine.

Visiting  of the University was not necessary for students.  We have established the timetable of visiting our classes  ourselves. The students  could not visit there university  over the years.  I had not practical classes on my Department  of  Mathematics in St. Petersburg.

I went to Kursk every summer, during  the  vacation time, and later in the winter too. I'm doing revolutionary work at the same time in St. Petersburg and  in my homeland in Kursk.    

I received this  diploma on 12 January 1913 and started to work at the  Credit Union Bank at St. Petersburg on  Nevsky 59.

The Bearer of this  is  Andrian Fedorovich Timofeyev, the son of a merchant, of Orthodox religion, born June 13, 1882, received a graduation certificate ot Physics and Mathematics of the Imperial St. Petersburg University in the group of Mathematics.
Mr.  Andrian Fedorovich Timofeyev had been tested in physics and mathematics testing commission at the St. Petersburg Imperial University in 1910-1911 academic year.

At the trial in the Faculty Mr.  Andrian Fedorovich Timofeyev got the following results: The Descriptive astronomy, The   Application of integral calculus to geometry,The  Spherical astronomy, The integration  of ordinary differential equations,   The calculus of the finite difference,   The calculus of probability, The  Mechanics - satisfactory evaluation.

In the tests that have been made in the examination committee, Mr.  Andrian Fedorovich Timofeyev  showed the following achievements:
The Supreme geometry, The descriptive geometry, The  theory of definite integrals, The  theory Partial Differential Equations, The  theory of Elliptic Functions and   The  theory of numbers- satisfactory evaluation

Therefore, on the basis of Article 81 of the Charter of The Imperial Russian Universities of  August 23, 1884, Mr.  Andrian Fedorovich Timofeyev on  May 28, 1911, was awarded by  the diploma of the second degree, with all rights and privileges named in Article 92 of the  Charter and Section V  and in 23 days in August 1884 approved by the EMPEROR  and   the State Council.

St. Petersburg, January 12 th day 1913                         [signature]
The Trustee of the St. Petersburg school district           [signature]
Chairman of the Physics and Math testing Commission   [signature]
Director of the Office                                                             [signature]

Some  information of this post is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich  Timofeev(1882-1954) - mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The bank premises of   the Central Bank of  the Credit Unions System  was located in 1910 in  two  neighboring buildings on Nevsky Prospect Prospect, 59 and 61.
St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 59 (1910).
St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 59 (June 2012).
This is the general view of  Nevsky Prospect, 61 now (June 2012).

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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