пятница, 20 июля 2012 г.

The Tramble cafe in the center of Moscow which was famous among artists, writers, painters and musicians.

      This building was built in 1776 for the Governor-General of Siberia Jacobi. Alexander Annenkov spent his childhood in this house. Some later this building became very profitable because of  placed  hotels, restaurants, and cafes  which were visited by many famous artists, poets, writers, painters and musicians.
See the posts in this blog:
The  Annenkov house in the center of Moscow.
(Alexander Dumas, Burliuk, Esenin, Fencing Master, French writer, Ivan Bunin, Mayakovsky, Nobel Prize winner, Shershenevich, Timofeev, Tramble, Tremble, Vertinsky,)
Attempt of stealing of 320,000 rubles (800,000.00 US dollars) from the  Moscow branch of the Siberian Trade Bank  in January 1917.
The famouse Tramble cafe in the Annenkov house (1910).
Street  view  of the Tramble cafe (1910).
The Tramble (Tremble) cafe on the left side of the Petrovka street (1910).

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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