понедельник, 23 июля 2012 г.

This is the photos from the life in 1890 - 1915 of the family of Feodor Prokopyevich Timofeev. Feodor Prokopyevich Timofeev was the very prosperous 2nd Guild merchant in Kursk Russia.

This is the photos from the life  in 1890 - 1915 of the family of  Feodor Prokopyevich  Timofeev. Feodor Prokopyevich  Timofeev was the very  prosperous  2nd Guild  merchant in Kursk Russia.
The  Timofeev's family on the porch of their family  house in Kursk.
I am (Timofeev Adrian Fedorovich)  second from the  left in the top row.
           Me(Timofeev Adrian Fedorovich) is the   second from the left in the middle  row.

Feodor Prokopyevich  Timofeev had eight childrens: 6 boys and 2 girls.
There were 3 childrens from Natalie - his first wife (maiden name, first name and  years of life - not known).

1.My brother  Aleksander (1877-1930) was the member of  Narodnaya Volya Party. He  was  involved in the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II, was convicted and spent time in prison under the autocracy. After the Bolshevik Revolution he  was in jail too. He was shot in 1930 near Arkhangelsk. There are many photographs and other documents about his life.
See the post in this blog.
In memory of my brother Sasha a teacher of Zemstvo school, a member of Narodnaya Volya party and revolutionary terrorist  Pages 36 and 37 of my diary.
2. My brother Peter was born in 1879. Peter lived in Uzhgorod in the Ukraine during the Soviet era. There are some photos of Peter.
      3.My sister Elena was born in 1880. There is no any information abouit Elena.
                                        This is the photo of Elena and Aleksander. 
This is the picture of our family in the garden.  Me (Timofeev Adrian Fedorovich) is in the top row.
                               Some members of our family in front of our house in Kursk . Me                  
                                        (Timofeev Adrian Fedorovich) is on the right.
There were 5 childrens 1 girl - Maria and 4 boys from Anna Andrianovna Chernikova Feodor's  second wife.
                                                                Our  Family in the garden.
                                                    My brothers and sisters in the garden.

                            Boys in the garden. I am  in the center of the  bottom row.
                                            Boys and girls on a swing in the garden.

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This information is taken from the diary of Adrian Fedorovich Timofeev (1882-1954) – the mathematician, socialist, revolutionary, financier and banker.
The full text of diary is on :

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